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Religious Education & Collective Worship

Religious Education is based on the County’s Agreed Syllabus, which aims to give children an understanding of religious and non-religious worldviews, moral and spiritual values. Children meet daily for collective worship during our assemblies. Our assemblies are broadly Christian in nature and comprise stories and accounts based on themes, the sharing and celebration of events and achievements and also class presentations (notified in advance). These provide opportunities for spiritual, social, moral and cultural development, as well as to enlarge on classroom activities. Parents are most welcome to join class assemblies. Parents have the right to withdraw their child from either religious education lessons or assemblies, or both. Parents who do not wish their children to participate are asked to speak to the headteacher to arrange alternative provision. Please refer to our Collective Worship Policy for the teaching of religious education in this school, which you will find in the parents’ information area in the lower building.

Curriculum information can be found in our Curriculum section

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