Return to Class Work

Year 4

Spring 2025

Children’s studies
Activities will be adapted for remote learning.

Children’s English studies will focus on stories from a range of cultures, information and explanation texts.  Children’s poetry studies will focus on kennings and clerihews. In science, children will be learning about solids, liquids and gases, with a particular emphasis on changes in the states of matter and the significance of these processes within the water cycle.  Their design and technology project will focus on the structure and mechanisms associated with catapults which will link to their history topic.  In history children will be learning about the Romans, with particular reference to the Romans’ arrival in and impact on Britain.   These studies will be enriched by a visit to the Verulamium Museum, St. Albans, on the 26th  March. Children will be producing class information booklets about aspects of Roman times.  In art children will be designing and creating mosaic patterns. In religious education children will continue their studies on Christianity and Islam.  In PSHE&C children’s learning will relate to the themes of friendship and emotions, and they will further their understanding of celebrating difference.   In computing children will be introduced to coding, and in music children will continue to learn how to play a stringed instrument.

Autumn 2024

Children’s studies
Activities will be adapted for remote learning.

In English children will be studying historical stories, short novels and poetry.   In science the children will be studying Electricity and their design and technology project will complement their study as they make winter inspired decorations that light up using circuit components.   Later in the term, their scientific studies will include learning about Animals, including Humans, with a focus on digestion.  In history children will be examining Britain during the Stone Age and Iron Age, focusing on how people lived during these periods.  A visit to the Celtic Harmony Camp on the 12th November will complement their studies.  Children’s geographical work will focus on physical and human land features in the United Kingdom, including a case study on changes in land use in the Lake District. In art children will be studying Aboriginal art and cave painting, and in religious education their learning will focus on Christianity and Islam.  In computing, children will be exploring a variety of different computer programs to create and edit texts and graphics.  In music children will continue learning to play a stringed instrument. They will also be exploring the poetry of Paul Cookson.  In PSHE&C children’s learning will relate to the themes of New Beginnings, Going for Goals, and they will further their understanding of celebrating difference.

Summer 2024

Children’s studies
Activities will be adapted for remote learning.

In science children will be studying the plants and animals that live in two contrasting habitats in our school grounds, the wood and pond, examining how they are suited to their environment.  A trip to Colchester Zoo on the 5th June will support their studies.  In geography they will compare our locality, Hoddesdon, with a distant economically developing locality, Moshi in Tanzania.  In art children will be investigating African pattern and fabric printing, including Adire Eleko. Their design and technology focus will be on making money pouches, linking to their geographical topic.  Children’s English studies will include a focus on the poetry of Charles Causley.  They will be continuing their studies of Christianity, Islam and Humanism in religious education.  In computing children will be learning to create their own database to analyse scientific data.  In music, children will continue their learning to play a stringed instrument and in P.E.  they will be developing their skills in athletics, and outdoor and adventurous activities.  In PSHE&C children will further their learning in how to establish, develop and sustain positive relationships with others, and deal with change.

Spring 2025

Children’s studies
Activities will be adapted for remote learning.

Children’s English studies will focus on stories from a range of cultures, information and explanation texts.  Children’s poetry studies will focus on kennings and clerihews. In science, children will be learning about solids, liquids and gases, with a particular emphasis on changes in the states of matter and the significance of these processes within the water cycle.  Their design and technology project will focus on the structure and mechanisms associated with catapults which will link to their history topic.  In history children will be learning about the Romans, with particular reference to the Romans’ arrival in and impact on Britain.   These studies will be enriched by a visit to the Verulamium Museum, St. Albans, on the 26th  March. Children will be producing class information booklets about aspects of Roman times.  In art children will be designing and creating mosaic patterns. In religious education children will continue their studies on Christianity and Islam.  In PSHE&C children’s learning will relate to the themes of friendship and emotions, and they will further their understanding of celebrating difference.   In computing children will be introduced to coding, and in music children will continue to learn how to play a stringed instrument.


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