“Friends of Sheredes Primary School and Nursery” (FOSS) was set up in March 2002. It is a fundraising organisation to which all parents or guardians of children attending the school, and all members of staff, may automatically belong. A committee of parents meets with Mrs. Childs, Chairperson, on a regular basis to discuss possible events that might raise money for the school and be of benefit to the school community.
E-mail: foss@sheredesprimary.herts.sch.uk
The FOSS committee is a dedicated and hardworking team, but we do not work alone. The success of an event relies not only on our organisation, but also on support from the staff, the children and their families. So far we have had a terrific response to events – parents, guardians, grandparents and friends have given time to supervise children, run stalls, attend events and clear up, in addition to sending in all sorts of contributions. We must also acknowledge the generosity of local businesses – we have been given raffle prizes by firms directly connected to the school and by stores such as Sainsburys, Woolworths and Van Hage, to name but a few.
Money raised so far has gone towards purchasing;
- Outdoor play equipment and seating
- Nursery playground markings
- Seats for the computer suite
- Theatre company visits during our Maths & Science and Book Weeks
We value opinions on whether an event was popular and should be repeated, as well as ideas for future activities. Of course, practical help is always welcome!