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Parents’ Information
Having chosen Sheredes Primary and Nursery School you have begun a partnership with us. We will do our utmost to ensure that we implement our policies and help you lead your child educationally, emotionally and socially. In return, we expect you to support us and be totally positive about us with your child. If you …
Home School Agreement
The parents/carers shall undertake to: familiarise themselves with the school prospectus and endeavour to uphold the code of practice. behave in a respectful (non abusive, non threatening) manner to all members of the school community inform school promptly about absences and lateness on the first day ensure that their child goes to school on time …
Online Safety
Online Safety Rules I will only use school IT equipment for activities agreed by school staff. I will not use my personal email address or other personal accounts in school when doing school work. I will not sign up for any online service on school devices unless this is an agreed part of a school …
Online Payments
School Gateway can be used for online payments for school meals and the Year 6 school journey. This will be extended to all trips by the end of this academic year (July 2020). To activate your School Gateway account all you need are your email address and mobile number that school holds on record for …
We are always looking for new opportunities for our children, so if you have a little free time and would like to run a club, I would love to hear from you. We would provide all the materials you need.
Music Lessons
At Sheredes, we are pleased to be able to offer private music lessons to our pupils. At present, peripatetic teachers from the East Herts. Music Centre visit the school to teach guitar. Specialist teachers also teach piano, flute, clarinet and saxophone. In addition to this, a recorder teacher takes small groups of children for recorder …
Jousters Childcare is a fun breakfast and after school club, run on our premises, providing a much required service to our parents. The operating times are as follows: Jousters Breakfast Club 8.00am – 8.55am Jousters After School Club 3.10pm – 4.30pm 3.10pm – 6.10pm For more information contact Jennie Denton, Childcare Manager: Tel: 01707 894650 Email:
Sheredes Pre-School is an officially recognised, but entirely privately administered and funded organisation housed in a classroom in the upper building. Lynne Sims is the registered provider. It is in operation for five mornings a week, from 8.20am to 11.20am. A lunch club also operates from 11.20am to 12.20pm Monday – Friday. Sheredes Pre-School now …
School Meals
Your child has the following options at lunchtime to: purchase a meal prepared in our kitchen bring a packed lunch from home go home for lunch. The food is freshly prepared in our own kitchen. There is a choice of main courses and salads or cooked vegetables with freshly baked bread, also a choice of …
School Uniform
We feel that a school uniform is an important aspect of our school. It encourages a corporate attitude and relates to the values we endeavour to impart to our children including that of pride in our school. We set great store on seeing all our children from Nursery to Year 6 in school uniform and …