Spring 2025
Children’s studies
Activities will be adapted for remote learning.
In English, children will be focusing on writing a persuasive, one sided argument, and then learning how to develop this by writing balanced discussions. They will also construct non-chronological reports and explanation texts, linked to their scientific studies. Children’s fiction studies will cover writing from alternative perspectives, and developing character depth and atmosphere, including the use of a range of suspense techniques, enabling them to develop a writer’s toolkit of stylistic features and devices. They will also be exploring the poetry of Maya Angelou. In science, children will be focusing on electricity and light, and the circulatory system. In geography, children will be studying biomes and current global environmental issues caused by man-made and natural changes. In computing, children will be exploring how the internet is used for communication and collaboration. In art, they will design and create a sculpture to enhance an environment. In design and technology children will be making cushions. In music, children will be continuing their learning of music notation, and constructing and composing chord patterns. In religious education they will be continuing their studies on Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism and Humanism. Work in PSHE&C will relate to the themes of celebrating differences, and dreams and goals for the future. A visit to the Houses of Parliament on 20th March will further children’s understanding of democracy. This trip will also include a visit to the London Eye and a river cruise, to enrich their geographical studies.
Autumn 2024
Children’s studies
Activities will be adapted for remote learning.
Children’s scientific studies will focus on the topic Evolution and Inheritance, with a focus on adaptation, and Living Things and their Habitats. In history they will be studying the Changing Power of Monarchs, with a case study on Queen Victoria. Their Victorian studies will be complemented by a visit to The British Schools museum in Hitchin on the 9th October. In art, children will be exploring the work of William Morris, and creating their own patterns and a textile panel inspired by his designs. In religious education the children will be studying Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism and Humanism, looking at worship, festivals and symbols. In design and technology, children will be investigating and building different types of structures, for example towers, domes and bridges. In computing children will be investigating automated systems and creating and debugging algorithms. They will programme physical devices, controlling inputs and outputs. In music children will be studying and performing music from the Victorian music hall tradition. They will also study the poetry of Victorian poets including Robert Louis Stevenson and Emily Dickinson. In PSHE&C children’s learning will relate to the themes of ‘being me in my world’ and relationships.
Summer 2024
Children’s studies
Activities will be adapted for remote learning.
Children will continue their studies on animals, including humans, and this will include the human life cycle. Their scientific studies will also include electricity and light. In the second half of the term, children’s English studies will include the poetry of William Blake and William Wordsworth. In geography they will be carrying out class and individual studies on the European Union and researching different localities, explaining the physical and human features of the localities, and how they compare to our locality. They will be continuing their studies of Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism and Humanism in religious education. Children’s computing studies will include planning, filming and editing movie trailers and looking at how animations are created, drawing on different genres. They will also learn about 3D modelling. In design and technology children will be developing their sewing skills by designing and making cushions. In music they will be creating, editing and evaluating compositions, using specialist software. In art they will be focusing on still life painting, drawing inspiration from European artists including Paul Cezanne and Pablo Picasso. In history the children will be studying the impact of the Victorians on the local area. Children’s PSHE&C studies will focus on the themes of maintaining physical and emotional health, including relationships, and transitioning to secondary school. To complement their physical education studies, children will be enjoying a PGL week in Liddington, Wiltshire.