Statutory Information

School Contact Details

Sheredes Primary School and Nursery
Benford Road
Herts, EN11 8LL

Tel: 01992 465154

For enquiries contact Mrs Lesley Delahunty, our school secretary or Mrs Mary Childs, our headteacher.

Our SENCO is Mrs Delyth Greenfield who can be contacted through the school office.

Admission Arrangements

Please see our Admissions page.

School Uniform

Please see our School Uniform page.

Ofsted Reports

Please see our Ofsted page

Exam and Assessment Results

Performance Tables

Please see:

School Performance Tables

School Opening Hours

Please see our School Day page.


Please see:

Remote Education

Behaviour Policy

Pupil Premium

Coronavirus (COVID-19) catch-up premium

PE and Sport Premium

Equality Objectives

Special Educational Needs (SEN) report

Please see our Children with Special Needs page.

School Complaints Procedure

At Sheredes, we aim to work closely with parents. We hope that all parents who have any concerns or anxieties will, in the first instance, raise these with the class teacher or the headteacher. We find that nearly all concerns can be resolved happily through discussion. The governing body of the school does have arrangements for considering complaints formally. For general complaints and matters to do with special educational needs they have adopted procedures which broadly follow guidelines recommended by Hertfordshire County Council.

Governors’ Information

Please see our Governing Body page.

Financial Information

School Financial Benchmarking

No. of employees with gross salary £100K – £110K: 1

Charging and Remissions Policy

Values and Ethos

Please see our Aims and Ethos page.

Requests for Paper Copies

Paper copies of the information on this website can be provided free of charge.

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