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Home School Agreement

The parents/carers shall undertake  to:

  • familiarise themselves with the school prospectus and endeavour to uphold the code of practice.
  • behave in a respectful (non abusive, non threatening) manner to all members of the school community
  • inform school promptly about absences and lateness on the first day
  • ensure that their child goes to school on time and properly dressed and equipped
  • understand and support the school’s policies and guidelines regarding behaviour and bullying.
  • Support the school’s approach to on-line safety and not upload or add any text, image, sound or videos that could upset or offend any member of the school community or bring the school’s name into disrepute.
  • Ensure that my/our online activity would not cause the school, staff, pupils or others distress or bring the school community into disrepute.
  • Support the school’s policy and help prevent my/our child/children from signing up to services such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and YouTube whilst they are underage (13+ years in most cases).
  • Close online accounts if I/we/teachers find that these accounts are active for our underage child/children.
  • support the school’s GDPR requirements
  • teach their child to respect all school staff by personal example
  • let the school know about any concerns or problems that might affect their child’s work or behaviour
  • support their child in homework and otheropportunities  for learning
  • attend parents’ evenings and discussions about their child’s progress
  • avoid organising family holidays during school term time other than in exceptional circumstances.

The school will:

  • value and respect each child as an individual and develop each child’s confidence and self­ esteem
  • plan and prepare lessons in accordance with national requirements,  school policies and schemes of work, and the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice
  • encourage each child to develop a sense of self-discipline  and respect for others, his/her belongings and the school
  • provide a happy, caring, secure, stimulating and organised learning environment
  • offer electronic communication opportunities to each child in a responsible manner
  • encourage and offer parents opportunities  to support the daily life of their child in school
  • involve parents in concerns or problems that affect their child’s work or behaviour or which disrupt the school community
  • contact parents if there is an ongoing problem with attendance, punctuality or use of school resources.
  • give parents opportunity to discuss their child’s progress and targets for learning
  • prepare individual  pupil reports annually.

As a pupil I shall:

  • do all my class and homework as well as I can
  • bring all the equipment I need every day and leave mobile telephones at home
  • be polite and helpful to others
  • be independent and take responsibility  for my own actions
  • be tidy in appearance and obey school’s dress code
  • treat our school environment and other people’s property with care
  • never bully another child
  • tell an adult if I am bullied or I am aware that another child is being bullied.

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